It's Just a Dream: The kiss

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

The kiss

The kiss.
Someone once said that a legal kiss is never worth as much as a stolen kiss.
Another said that in a kiss you know everything that has been silenced.
A great actress said that the kiss is a charming trick designed by nature to stop talking when words become superfluous.
A lover swore that he would give everything he asked his beloved; everything except return the kisses.
There are many who say that there is always someone who kisses and another who is limited to allowing the kiss.
And I only have one theory as far as kissing is concerned: PROHIBITED KISSING WITHOUT BITING LIPS.


1 comentario:

  1. despues de leer la version en castellano; veo que la version de ingles tiene algunas de las oraciones al-revez. (algo muy comun cuando estas traduciendo.) Me encantaria ayudar si te interesa? A y Perdon por mis faltas ortograficas. :-)
